Saturday, February 26, 2011

Minecraft- the Obsession

Hey guys, so its time for some direction in this blog, so to start out, i will go in a complete tangent to what im used to. I would like to introduce all of you to the wonderful addiction that is Minecraft. This wonderful experience of a game involves the destruction, creation, and placement of blocks in your own randomly generated world. The way i describe it to friends is legos without the whole 'imagination' thing.

So, my friend Zach and I have been playing this game nonstop lately. let my show you our two mines:

 Yes, this took a long time, and yes, the time was probably a waste, but still. Awesome. The top mine is Zachs, a lot bigger than mine, but not nearly as deep. my mine goes all the way down to bedrock and branch mines at the bottom. Together we have mined over 7000 blocks, just in our mines alone.Holy crap.

So yes, minecraft has taken over my life, and apparently my blog. Here is Zach on the matter:

"ever since my world has... changed... everything is blockier. i have nightmares that my reality has randomized and that everything is gone. i wake up and i can't find anything. the halls are different. my room appears in a field. i think it's getting too me. my parents say that they find me outside in the middle of the night punching the ground talking about making a mine. i remember none of this. is it a disease? am i insane? i'm not sure, all i know is whenever i see something green and in the shape of a creeper i run, and i'm seeing them everywhere ladies and gentleman. they're all around me waiting to destroy our world. run"

This is minecraft. This is heaven.


  1. You can get lost for hours in mine crafts, I've spent ours in underground caves to turn around and have someone creepily watching from behind a block.
